21 Days to Form a Habit, 90 Days to Change Your Life.

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This month I had the pleasure of being a Panelist for Summit 21, a women’s empowerment conference hosted by 21ninety (hence the title of this article). We spent half an hour of good girlfriend catch up discussing one of my favorite subject matters, Time Management. You can find the replay here and a recap article here.

The primary reason I founded The Reminder Remedy Coaching Company was because I wanted to help ambitious women like you beat burnout and overwhelm from trying to juggle both work and home life. I spent a good two decades of my life trying to figure out this whole time management thing. From living on the self-help and productivity aisle of Barnes and Nobles to investing in every planner system on the market, I desperately wanted to figure out how to increase my efficiency and my ability to get stuff done!

And while I probably have more empty planners than full, I have gained a robust arsenal of productivity research and tools that have had a significant impact on crafting a life I love. A life where I am able to win in my business and be a present active member of my home life.

The solution is really quite simple - you can achieve more by doing less.

Doing less means spending time on what’s most important in your current season of life. While a simple concept, doing less can be a huge adjustment. It’s a very mindful and intentional approach to living and requires some heavy lifting upfront.

For me personally, because I have literally been pregnant every two years since 2014 (bless it), I am constantly having to adjust what productivity and time management look like for me. Which brings me to my next point, the process of creating a lifestyle that centers around mindful productivity, is an ongoing effort that has to be revisited and realigned regularly.

For most, time management is getting control of your schedule so that you can do more, faster. This is a stale mindset and is the reason why most of us have really strong productive months then burnout and find ourselves back at square one, overwhelmed and unmotivated.

So how do you create more sustainable productivity?

Quick answer - Join our Flourishing Efficiently 4-week coaching program.

You’re exhausted and your optimism that things will get better is fading.

It’s time for you to learn how to Flourish Efficiently. A mindful approach to productivity that goes beyond to-do list, planners and post-it notes. An opportunity to press the reset button on how you think about getting things done.


Flourishing Efficiently


Because there’s never enough time in a day, ambitious women like you have to be both mindful and efficient. Flourishing Efficiently is a 4-week group coaching program that will help you achieve more by doing less. In just one month you will completely adapt a new and sustainable way for moving your life forward. You will learn how to create more time for what’s most important and will leave the program feeling completely rejuvenated.

  • Increase your energy and productivity

  • Create a routine that decreases your stress levels

  • Get back to making yourself a priority

  • Master the most efficient goal-setting strategies

  • Develop healthy and sustainable habits

  • Become more mindful and aware of your ‘zone of genius’

Alena Conley
Serial Entreprenuer. The Young & Free Gyrl profiting from her passions and teaching people to do the same. CEO & Co- Founder of GyrlTalk App a mobile social network exclusively designed for women. CEO of The Star at Heart Company, a women's empowerment platform. Independent It Works! Global distributor, helping people look younger and live longer. I just simply #choosefulfillment

TRR Podcast - Season 6 Episode 63


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