How to Choose Your Next Coach (Grey’s Anatomy Version)

If only we could have this original cast back…that would be all the coaching and therapy we would need.

If only we could have this original cast back…that would be all the coaching and therapy we would need.

Have you been considering hiring a coach but not sure where to start? Then Episode 37 of The Reminder Remedy Podcast is right up your alley, especially if you are a Grey’s anatomy fan like me. In this episode I share some insights into the robust world of coaching and the different types of coaches that you can hire based on your needs.

If you are in need of a “heart” reboot in your relationship, you may hire a Christina Yang to be your relationship coach. Or maybe you are struggling to discipline your three year old and would love to work with an Arizona from Pediatrics for your Parental Coach. Or you maybe going down the dark alley of Business coaches where you can find a Chief Webber type coach to help with your overall business plan. Based on your needs you may find that a marketing coach, social media coach or copywriting coach could best serve you.

So many options! Alena, Help Me. *insert crash kit*

One of the stark differences between standard medical procedures and the process of finding a coach, is that unfortunately many of us skip the step where the “generalist”, or the Meredith Grey’s of the world, i.e. Life Coaches, help us truly determine what we actually need from a more specialized coach. Instead we jump straight to the shiny things or a coach who focuses on “making our business profitable by giving us clarity through strategic messaging” because all we hear is cha-ching.

Trust me, I’ve been there...investing in ‘all the things’, only to find that none of the courses and strategies could truly be executed because I had no order, habits, systems or tools in my personal life to keep me on track.

So while we may self-diagnose as “needs a PR coach”, our actual first step may be “needs to hit the reset button, with a Life Coach”.

Being able to find a coach that can help you build a foundation for the way you live overall, will set you up for extreme success when working with specialty coaches. A life coach should help you determine your true needs through a self-discovery phase, establish healthy habits that help you hit goals and build momentum while ultimately equipping you with a toolbox of best practices for sustaining everything you’ve learned.

Doesn’t she look sweet…LOL

Doesn’t she look sweet…LOL

As you determine your coaching needs, you also want to establish what type of coaching personality suits you best. Do you need a stern, straight forward coach like Christina or do you need a tad bit more compassion like a Miranda Bailey?

Here is a list of different type of coaches and some helpful questions to ask yourself when “interviewing” your potential coaches. Tune into Episode 37 to learn how my clients currently layer several different types of coaching to achieve optimal results...I even include my own personal “coaching recipe”.

10 Questions to Ask when Hiring a Coach

  1. When I listen to this person speak do they exude the type of energy or personality I would want in a coach? (Will they talk “at me” or “with me”?)

  2. Is this person well-versed in the subject matter of interest?

  3. Does this coach have any client testimonials?

  4. Does this person offer a coaching package that meets my needs? 1:1, group, courses, retreats

  5. How long is their coaching process? Does it align with my personal timeline?

  6. Am I ready for this coaching program or is there something that may be a better first step?

  7. Is this person within my budget? Do they offer payment arrangements?

  8. Is there an option for a discovery call or sample session?

  9. Does this person have additional experiences that could add value? (i.e. Life coach with business experience, business coach who also is a working mom)

  10. Does this coach have relationships and resources that can support my needs? (Additional business referrals, books, research, downloadable tools)

Types of Coaches

There are experts in pretty much every area of life, listen to the full episode to learn why that’s a good thing!

LIFE COACH - a life coach can help with a wide range of personal and professional opportunities and challenges, goal setting, relationships, well-being and motivation

EXECUTIVE COACH - serves corporate and entrepreneurial executives, coaching on a variety of opportunities and challenges related to performance, leadership, stress and personal growth

LEADERSHIP COACH - serves emerging and advanced leaders, helping them develop a personal foundation and decision-making skills to excel in positions of leadership 

BUSINESS COACH - serves business owners, investors and managers, helping them develop and maximize the success of their businesses 

SOLO ENTREPRENEUR COACH - specifically works with individuals in business for themselves in one-employee businesses, helping them clarify their purpose and vision, increase efficiency and productivity, and providing a sounding board in a often-isolated work environment 

CAREER COACH - serves professionals looking to go to the next level in their careers 

SALES COACH - coaches sales professionals to increase performance and results 

MARKETING COACH - coaches business owners and leaders in the development and implementation of their marketing initiatives

PRODUCTIVITY COACH - coaches individuals and teams to achieve greater productivity and efficiency 

IMAGE COACH - coaches clients in the shaping and development of their personal and professional image in order to be better positioned for the achievement of certain goals 

CONFIDENCE COACH - helps individuals build authentic confidence, courage and self-efficacy

NEGOTIATION COACH - coaches clients to develop strong negotiation skills, navigate challenging conversations, and attain favorable outcomes 

INTERVIEW COACH - coaches individuals to communicate effectively in interview situations, and ultimately reach the goal of attaining the position to which they aspire 

PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER COACH - coaches individuals to develop content and maximize performance as a deliverer of keynote speeches, seminars and workshops 

CHRISTIAN COACH - coaches clients from a biblical perspective with a focus on the spiritual growth and well- being of the client

DATING COACH - coach individuals to successfully navigate the dating scene and reach their love life goals 

RELATIONSHIP COACH - coach clients to improve their relationships 

COUPLES COACH - coach couples together to enhance their relationship and reach goals together 

DIVORCE COACH - coach individuals in the aftermath of divorce to set a new vision, navigate the transition, and create a life that is happier even after divorce

TEEN COACH - coach teenagers as they navigate the challenges of young adulthood, peer pressure, goal setting and the unique phase of life between childhood and adulthood 

FAMILY COACH - coach families towards goals, communication, opportunities and overcoming challenges 

WIDOWHOOD - coaches individuals who have navigated the stages of grief, and are ready to establish a positive vision and life in a new and very different season 

EMPTY NEST - coaches empty nesters to create and enjoy a new season of life after adult children have moved out of the home

COLLEGE TRANSITION COACH - work with college students to successfully transition into college, and recent graduates as they transition from college to professional life 

HEALTH AND NUTRITION COACH - coach individuals to live a healthier lifestyle 

WORK-LIFE BALANCE COACH - coaches clients to find a harmony and pace that allows success in both the personal and professional realm 

ORGANIZATIONAL COACH - coaches within organizations with a focus on strengthening the psychological capital of employees as a means to improving the overall organization 

PRESENTATION COACH - coaches individuals to successfully develop and deliver presentation

PERSONAL COMMUNICATION COACH - coaches on communication issues, presence, image, body language, and speech 

CREATIVITY COACH - helps individuals to boost their creativity to improve their performance and reach goals in creative arenas such as writing, music, design, business and the arts 

FINANCIAL COACH - coaches individuals to develop and execute a plan to create financial empowerment and/or financial freedom 

PARENTING COACH - help parents successfully navigate all of the challenges and opportunities of parenting with great wisdom, grace, and ease

POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY COACH - coaches clients using the research-based interventions of applied positive psychology 

WRITING COACH - coaches writers to achieve their potential, meet specific goals, and increase creativity 

MEDIA COACH - coaches and prepares individuals to make successful media appearances, develop key messages and deliver them effectively 

Source: CAPP Institute “Ultimate List of Caching Niches and Markets”

Alena Conley
Serial Entreprenuer. The Young & Free Gyrl profiting from her passions and teaching people to do the same. CEO & Co- Founder of GyrlTalk App a mobile social network exclusively designed for women. CEO of The Star at Heart Company, a women's empowerment platform. Independent It Works! Global distributor, helping people look younger and live longer. I just simply #choosefulfillment

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